Thursday, 12 July 2012

A very rare sunny day in July.

So today I looked out my window and saw that although it was sunny, it was very windy, so I suspected that  it would be cold. I felt that it would be a good idea to dress warmly in my trusty black stuff before I went to apply for yet another job, this time at a hair salon.
However, when I was waiting for the bus I realised how warm it was and that I had made a mistake in not wearing a tee and shorts.

Anyway. This is a fairly short post on account of I have to rush off and shower and get ready to see the boyf, he came home from uni today after packing up all his stuff, and we have a bit of a horror fest planned tonight yay!

So here are today's photos!

Glasses-Primark, Cape-H&M, Smock shirt-Forever 21, Leggings-Primark, Boots-Pasha. 

Sorry about the slightly over exposed photos, the sun was very bright in my garden tonight! 
I bought this cape from H&M last September, for the small price of £29.99 and I love it! It has a very 1960s feel to it, and the stripy lining has a cheeky flash through the sleeves.
The Smock shirt was bought from Forever 21 on my Uni trip to NYC, and has become one of my wardrobe faves. Loose and comfy, it is great for hiding away under when I am having one of those days, yet the sheer fabric allows for a sneaky sexy peek at what is underneath, so it can be made into a stylish, sexy top.

I have raved about these leggings and boots a million times so I won't do it again. Apart from saying that they are amazing. There.

What are you all up to this evening and tomorrow? Anyone got anything nice planned for the weekend?

I took these photos of some flowers in my garden just because they were pretty. And the red roses are my favourite colour ever.

Au revoir, toodle pip!
Samma x


  1. I love those sunnies!!! They are lovely!! Gorgeous :)

    MayT Essentials

  2. I love your hair!!!^^
    i follow you on Bloglovin and on GFC ;)
    can you follow me on both of them too?¿? :D


    1. Followed! I thought I had already lol! I spent ages blog stalking you the other day! :)

  3. They would be crazy not to hire you! :) really hope you get it hun xx

    1. Thank you so much! I'm not holding out much hope because of Uni, but anything is worth a try in my crappy town of unemployment haha!

  4. Ah! Shut up! your outfit is awesome. Lovee your hair with those sunglasses to!

    Check me out, follow back? My Fashion/DIY/HOW-TO/ADVICE/TIPS & TRICKS MAGAZINE BLOG
    xoxo =)

  5. Cool Outfit! Love the Colour of your Hair!
    i´m a new Follower

    Lovely Greetings ♡

  6. Your hair is so fab and I adore the cape!

  7. i loooove this outfit and your amazing hair! :D
    love your blog too hehe, followed!!

  8. I think I'm in love with your hair! Tempted to take the plunge and dye mine lilac soon but I doubt my parents would ever forgive me haha


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