Sunday, 27 May 2012

New York, New York!

I have named this post after the Big Apple, not because I am in New York, (sadly!) but because this outfit was one of the few that I bought there. Honestly, I found NYC shocking on the shopping front, unless you have money, good, high street clothing is hard to come by, unless you head to Forever 21 or H&M and we have those here!

Anywho... Today was another glorious day spent in the sun, drinking vino and eating risotto and mediterranean veg, I'm loving being at Uni right now, it feels like being on holiday! So I hope you guys appreciate me taking time out of my ever so hectic schedule of chilling to take the photos for this post.

Dress - Forever 21, knicker shorts - Topshop, bandeau - New Look, bag - Primark, boots - Pasha, earrings - Vintage.

I bought this dress in the winter, (-9 degrees NYC to be exact) with the hope that we had some good weather, because, as you can see, it is not exactly a suitable outfit for cold times.
These boots are also the same make as my studded boots, which I love! They are so comfortable so can be worn with everything! (They also go great with jeans and a blouse!) Perfect for jazzing up a plain outfit.

I love the hat with this outfit as I feel it dresses it down slightly, and gives it a bit more of a quirky feel. (Not to mention, today I was having a very, very bad hair day.

Lots of photos were taken today, we got a bit happy with the camera. Also excuse the cheesy shot with the flowers, but I thought they were pretty and deserved a picture Ha!

Anyways, I am departing in the hope of actually getting an early night.

So see ya latersss!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Sunny days!

Another day lounging around Uni in the sun... life is hard.
Not going to lie, I got a wee bit burnt, starting to sting a bit now, however, me being me and a bit of an idiot, I shall be right back out there tomorrow, getting more burnt. Not that I am advising this, but as we are in England and no one knows how long this glorious weather will last for, I fully intend to make the most of it and soak up every ounce of vitamin D that I can!

This weather however, does remind me that I really need to go shopping. This is a comment that will have my family and friends laughing then snatching my purse, as it is a hobby I have not stopped all year, however, due to the lack of summer, I have filled my wardrobe with black, albiet gorgeous, but never the less black clothes. With long sleeves. Totally innapropriate for this weather, so I feel that a trip to Primarni is in order for a couple of vests.

Summer also gives me major clothes envy, as all the pretty dresses come out, and I have seen an abundance of pretty maxi dresses and short shorts all over the Uni fields! Might have to look into this whole maxi dress thing!

Anywho, I have more piccys for you lovely people, just a few quick snaps taken on the way back from a lovely evening of cocktails and steak at the pub in the sun. Mmm Steak!

Dress - River Island, Jacket - Vintage (my mum's!) bag - Primark, boots- Pasha, necklace - New Look, earrings - Vintage.

I love this jacket, it may be a bit grubby and gross, but it is comfy and oversized and great for chucking on over a summery dress.

The dress is also great because it is flattering, if like me, you are cursed with a buddah belly and love handles galore, then drop waist dresses are great for skimming over them, and although this is a winter season dress, I feel as though the lighter coloured florals brighten it up and make it an excusable summer outfit.

On the other had, I realise the boots are not exactly summery, however, they are comfy and go with most things, and will also have to make do as my gorgeous spiked gladiator sandals have grown feet of their own and dissappeared!

Anywho, enough with the rambling, time for me to go and locate the aftersun!


I also

Thursday, 24 May 2012

New ID Studios...

So yesterday I went with a girlf, Hannah to New ID studios for a make over and photo shoot as her birthday prezzie from moi. It was an interesting day...

First we had our hair done. Hannah's looked gorge, mine however, strongly resembled one of the guys from the BeeGees, cue another hair appointment to get fixed, happy days. Make up was even more of a disaster, and once again, while Hannah looked stunning, I was downing complementary bucks fizz to try and calm down about the fact that I looked like I had just stepped out of the Rocky Horror Show. I was clearly unhappy and when the make up artist told me that it had to be that big and bold (my smokey eye look meant silver eyeshadow running up to my eyebrows!) so that it would show up in the photos. I did not believe her and wanted to cry!

However, the photoshoot turned out to be great fun, as well as totally exhausting and the end results were actually not too shabby. Time for me to eat my words, as the make up actually didn't look that mad in the photos, and the brilliance that is Photoshop meant that my hair could be fixed slightly for the images.

Enough with the rambling, and I know you've all seen this outfit in my previous post, however, it is my fave at the mo, so deal...

Now the beaded cream dress in my dark photo is a new one, from Topshop, everything else you guys have all seen before.

All in all it was a learning experience, and not one I'm sure I would like to repeat! I liked my hair previously and having my make up done by someone else was a challenge... particularly when she kept poking me in the eye with the liner brush!
I tell you, I have a whole new respect for models, doing that every day and not that I would ever have the option, but if it came down to it, I think I would rather stay behind the camera in fashion from now on.

So there you have it...
Hope you guys like the photos, they cost enough!

In a while Crocodiles! <3

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Punky Princess...

Firstly I would like to apologise for the fact these photos are taken inside in front of my flat door, however, I was on my way out for regular Monday nights at NBs, however, I love this outfit so much that I had to share it with you guys. Hope you all like it too.

Secondly... GUYS WE HAVE SUN! AND HEAT! Summer is FINALLY on its way! Bloody good thing too, seeing as it is nearly June!
This means BBQs, Pimms, cocktails and Rose in the sunshine and evenings sat out on the grass chillin', so excited! Today is the first day of attempting to tan. I must say it has been an unsuccessful one due to the fact that I can't tan. Seems I am eternally supposed to be pasty. Oh well.

Thirdly, I am extremely excited for tomorrow's festivities, heading up to the lush Birmingham for a makeover and photoshoot with a girlf. Gonna be a good one. I can finally get my hair cut back into the long bob. Gooooood times!
I will let you all know how it goes, and see if they will allow us to take our own photos so i can share our day with you.

Enough with the rambling now, here is my outfit for the day!

The dress, which I love, once I get past the difficult zip up the back, is by Jones and Jones. It is quite girly by my normal style, but I love contrasting it with more punky accessories, such as these gorgeous studded boots, from Pasha, Northampton. They are by far some of the comfiest shoes I have ever worn. I can walk for miles in these babies!

The jewellery is as before, except for the spiky hair band, (worn as bracelet) which is from topshop, and the peace ring, which is by Miss Selfridge.

On this note, I am off to enjoy the last of the day's sun!

See ya laters, aligators!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

If you go down to the woods today...

So today the boyf took me to a lovely little spot just off campus for taking some snaps for my first outfit post with my shiny new camera.
I wear this outfit constantly, because it is so easy, which everyone despairs of and thinks that I'm probably just a little bit gross as they don't see how I have time to wash it in between wears. I can't help it though, these gorge shorts were a buy a couple of weeks ago, and I love them so much I can't take it off. They are one of the only ways I have of embracing the pastel trend, as I am a known colour-phobe. (Except for my hair which changes colour constantly.)

The coat is also one of my best buys, from a vintage stand I found when I was working the Clothes Show last year. It is so good for just chucking on over any outfit and going. It is also the warmest thing I have ever worn! However, because it is sooo old, I am not sure when it was made, but it was a long time ago, it has started falling apart. So I will no doubt be hunting for a new one at this year's Clothes Show.

Anywho, enough with the rambling, here are the piccys!


Hat, shorts, ring, socks, cross earing and studded leather bracelets all by topshop, skull bracelets by Spun Out Northampton, charm bracelet by Pandora, skull earing by River Island, chain earing by Miss Selfridge, drop arm hole vest by Missguided, fur coat vintage, watch by Fossil.

The creepers are by Pasha, Northampton. They have also been one of my best buys of this year, as they go with almost anything. They are great with shorts and ankle socks or grunging down a floral dress. They were also a huuuge bargain. No where near the price of the Underground Creepers, but I love them, and quite frankly, on a student budget, who is complaining!

So excited for the day when this outfit can be worn sans coat, and in the middle of May, that should be now. However. This is England. The land of no sun. I have heared that it is supposed to get much hotter this week though, so fingers crossed people!

Aurevoir, toodle pip! :)

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Technology binge!

Another fairly dull post for you again today.
It has been a long day, involving me spending far too much money considering my student budget!
The good news is I bought a new camera (it's purple. And shiny!). The bad news is I spent so long trying to work it that by the time I had figured out (a bit) how to use it, it was dark. So you lovely people will have to wait until tomorrow for an outfit post. (Sorry!)

The second bit of bad news is that my beloved Ipod needed its battery replacing, so after hauling arse down to the Apple Store today, I was told that the battery cannot be replaced, as they no longer make the batteries for that Ipod. RIP baby, it has been a great 6 and a half years with you!
This meant that I had to fork out and buy a new one. Well, second hand, but whatever, new to me! Bad times, as it is a touch screen, and therefore far beyond my technological capacity to understand. Honestly. I am an old woman trapped in the body of a 20 year old!

Still, it was a lovely trip into town with the boyf, and a reason to get dressed now that lectures are over and Uni is slowly becoming deserted. I swear there are now more rabbits on campus than people!

And so, with these ramblings over, I shall depart and crack into a bit of friends box set and the new Jackie Collins novel. Juicy stuff ;)

Ciao ciao for now!!

Friday, 18 May 2012

First Entry... Wish me luck!

Hi guys, this is my first post, bit of an experiment really as I have the technological abilities of a 90 year old blind woman. Haven't even mastered the art of twitter yet (Any tips would be greatly appreciated)!
So possibly tomorrow I will venture out and attempt to by myself a new camera, as I have a horrible feeling I left my old one, memory card and all in a hand bag that I chucked away at the end of last term. Joyyy!
Then I will attempt to post up outfit posts for you lovely people to comment on. It would be nice if you did. Give me a bit of support in my learning journey that is the world of fashion blogging.

For now, You will have to make do with some old piccys, while I get the hang of this malarky!

2 of the millions of holiday snaps taken in Lisbon with the lovely boyf. 

 In the top photo I am wearing River Island palazzo trousers and a veeerrrry old top from Krisp. The sandals are also River Island, and are a personal fave because they are spikey!
In the bottom photo I am wearing a River Island tunic, vintage earings, and the biggest bargain in the world, my studded Asda Sunglasses. (That place sell lovely holiday stuff!)

This is only a short post, so I can get a feel for this. Hopefully my next post will be slightly more entertaining, and hopefully with some better photos!