Friday, 18 May 2012

First Entry... Wish me luck!

Hi guys, this is my first post, bit of an experiment really as I have the technological abilities of a 90 year old blind woman. Haven't even mastered the art of twitter yet (Any tips would be greatly appreciated)!
So possibly tomorrow I will venture out and attempt to by myself a new camera, as I have a horrible feeling I left my old one, memory card and all in a hand bag that I chucked away at the end of last term. Joyyy!
Then I will attempt to post up outfit posts for you lovely people to comment on. It would be nice if you did. Give me a bit of support in my learning journey that is the world of fashion blogging.

For now, You will have to make do with some old piccys, while I get the hang of this malarky!

2 of the millions of holiday snaps taken in Lisbon with the lovely boyf. 

 In the top photo I am wearing River Island palazzo trousers and a veeerrrry old top from Krisp. The sandals are also River Island, and are a personal fave because they are spikey!
In the bottom photo I am wearing a River Island tunic, vintage earings, and the biggest bargain in the world, my studded Asda Sunglasses. (That place sell lovely holiday stuff!)

This is only a short post, so I can get a feel for this. Hopefully my next post will be slightly more entertaining, and hopefully with some better photos!


  1. welcome to the blogging world

    1. Thanks! I know this is a bit dull so far but hopefully I will get better. Any tips would be welcome! :)

  2. i had that tunic! you must have good taste haha
    now following & looking forward to more outfit posts :) x


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