Thursday, 24 May 2012

New ID Studios...

So yesterday I went with a girlf, Hannah to New ID studios for a make over and photo shoot as her birthday prezzie from moi. It was an interesting day...

First we had our hair done. Hannah's looked gorge, mine however, strongly resembled one of the guys from the BeeGees, cue another hair appointment to get fixed, happy days. Make up was even more of a disaster, and once again, while Hannah looked stunning, I was downing complementary bucks fizz to try and calm down about the fact that I looked like I had just stepped out of the Rocky Horror Show. I was clearly unhappy and when the make up artist told me that it had to be that big and bold (my smokey eye look meant silver eyeshadow running up to my eyebrows!) so that it would show up in the photos. I did not believe her and wanted to cry!

However, the photoshoot turned out to be great fun, as well as totally exhausting and the end results were actually not too shabby. Time for me to eat my words, as the make up actually didn't look that mad in the photos, and the brilliance that is Photoshop meant that my hair could be fixed slightly for the images.

Enough with the rambling, and I know you've all seen this outfit in my previous post, however, it is my fave at the mo, so deal...

Now the beaded cream dress in my dark photo is a new one, from Topshop, everything else you guys have all seen before.

All in all it was a learning experience, and not one I'm sure I would like to repeat! I liked my hair previously and having my make up done by someone else was a challenge... particularly when she kept poking me in the eye with the liner brush!
I tell you, I have a whole new respect for models, doing that every day and not that I would ever have the option, but if it came down to it, I think I would rather stay behind the camera in fashion from now on.

So there you have it...
Hope you guys like the photos, they cost enough!

In a while Crocodiles! <3

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